Are you wondering what a checksum is? You may have noticed that when you download files from certain websites, they have a very long string of numbers and letters called a checksum or MD5 checksum or SHA-1, etc. These really long strings basically act as fingerprints for that particular file, whether it be an EXE,…
Outlook 2016: Remove Duplicate entries in Room Finder
In Outlook 2016 some users may noticed dual entries in the Room List: The room list behavior that we see  in Outlook is by design. When we use a Room List  for a meeting, it is stored in the  Most Recently Used entries in the registry. When we create a new meeting, we will see this MRU entry in the top of the Room Lists . The same Room List will be seen again in the drop down which…
Reset Windows Server 2012 R2 RDS 120 Day Grace Period
The RD Licensing grace period has expired and the service has not registered with a license server with installed licenses. A RD Licensing server is required for continuous operation. A Remote Desktop Session Host server can operate without a license server for 120 days after initial start up. The official solution is to Activate the…
No remote Desktop License Server available on RD Session Host server 2012 R2
A fully functional and activated 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Session Host server displayed the following message: This was a simple setup on one server with the: connection broker, Session Host and Licensing server with 2012 R2 CAL’s installed. Even though the licensing seems to be configured correctly, in server manager: and PowerShell: Licensing diagnostics: everywhere…
Office365: List Your Business Can’t Live Without
When you have a lot of conference rooms, equipment or special rooms mailboxes it is hard to list or find available free rooms during a particular time slot. Luckily, Office365 and Outlook 2013/2016 have a special feature called ‘Room Lists’, which enable you to find and schedule a room quickly based on availability and offer…
How To Get Rid Of Dell KACE Agent?
What is Dell KACE Agent? Unifies and automates non-computer and computer asset management processes from deployment to retirement, to facilitate such tasks as software and regulatory compliance. Uninstalling KACE can be a pain. Luckily there is a way thanks to wmic. This works for 32 & 64 bit machines From Command Prompt/ Powershell in Admin…
Hack: Microsoft Outlook AutoComplete
Outlook maintains the AutoComplete list. The list is used by both the automatic name-checking feature and the automatic completion feature. The AutoComplete list, also known as the nickname cache, is generated automatically when you send email messages from Outlook. The list contains SMTP addresses, LegacyExchangeDN entries, and display names for people to whom you have…
Create A Dedicated Account To Join Computers To A Domain
Admins often need to automate things, like creating a dedicated account for joining machines to an Active Directory (AD) domain. Â This is useful for things like System Center Configuration Manger task sequences and System Center Virtual Machine Manager templates or similar needs. First create a standard Windows user account. Â Next, right-click on the Computers Organization…
Cleaning up Office365 Groups Mess
Office 365 Groups are a shared workspace for email, conversations, files, and events where group members can collectively get stuff done. It compliments the introduction of Microsoft Teams. The main thing to keep in mind is that this feature is still evolving. Why is it important to control Office 365 Group creation? This feature is…
How to Configure Time Server (NTP Server) on Centos 7?
Prerequisites: VM/ Physical – It is recommended to have the time server as a physical server, but VMs should be okay depending on your setup and requirement. My virtual lab environment is VMware based so here’s the guide for a VM. Once the CentOS Minimal is installed on the VM make sure to install open-vm-tools….