ADSelfService Plus by ManageEngine is a great tool. The instructions provided to configure SSL did not work for me, but I was able to figure it out doing the following: You need a PFX File: Wild Card Cert for * (Yourdomain-WildCard.pfx) – This can be generated/ exported by IIS if you have a wildcard cert. STEPS…
Category: Windows
Deleting Thumbs.db & Desktop.ini files and How to prevent them
Removing thumbs.db file from explorer might take time. So you may also try the command interface. Press Windows Key + R for Run window, type cmd for opening command prompt del /s /ah thumbs.db This command will quickly remove thumbs.db files from your computer. How to prevent thumbs.db file from getting recreated? The above method…
Find files hiding in a lot of sub directories
So I was moving a lot of my music to Amazon Cloud Drive, and ended with a lot of files still showing under a lot of sub directories. Problem was – how do I know which files are in what sub directory with out going into each of them. Here is the answer:
1 |
K:\Music\dir /b /s /A-D /o:gn>list.txt |
Find out Windows version from an ISO file
So we download a lot of .ISO file from various sources. I needed to install Windows 10 x64 Pro and was having trouble identifying which was which from the different versions I had been testing. This was important to me because I needed to know if it was Retail, VL, or MSDN. This should work…
How do I enable or disable anonymous LDAP binds to Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory (AD)?
By default the setting is set to <not set> meaning it is disabled. I strongly recommend against this. Many applications communicate with directory services through LDAP, but the LDAP Request for Comments (RFC) specification stipulates that an LDAP bind should support the passing of a credential. Connecting anonymously really shouldn’t be needed. You may have…
Transferring FSMO roles (2003-2012)
Note: if you do not know what the “FSMO” roles are, or wish to know more, please see this link: Operations master rolesThis is a well-known subject among Active Directory administrators.Even before Windows 2012, there was no lack of choice in the methods allowing us to transfer the FSMO roles: If there were only two…
How to manually uninstall a printer driver in Windows
Came across an interesting issue today where I was unable to remove the printer drivers. I got the message that the printer is in use and therefore cannot delete the drivers. Here’s what I did to get the printer: Goto ‘Services’ under ‘Administrative Tools’, and restart the ‘Printer Spooler Service’. Click the Start menu and in…
Updating the system time on Server 2008R2 & 2012R2 using NTP Servers
To update, use the command below (2008 and 2012 server compatible)
1 |
w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:"ntp_server" /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update |
change the ntp_server with your source. Check for servers Restart the time service
1 2 |
net stop w32time net start w32time |
Resync the time
1 |
w32tm /resync |
Verify your sync status
1 |
w32tm /query /status |
Commands above should be fine if your sources are working correctly and/or your connection is OK (firewall or Microsoft Forefront…
Bulk removal of Password Never Expires checkbox in AD
No one intends this but it is a problem that sooner or later you will be come across in your system administrator career. I’ve see this resolved many different ways, but I like to narrow it down to a particular OU. Depending on your case you may want to clean this across the board in…
Quest AD PowerShell cmdlets
I had trouble finding the Quest AD Powershell Cmdlets today. I knew Quest got acquired by Dell but I thought that my favorites would have still worked. Anyways, after a little of digging on the internet i was able to find them. It is now called ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory  Here is the link: ActiveRoles…