When a Lync 2010/2013 desktop client for Windows signs-in, to minimize the bandwidth consumption the Lync client retrieves a lot of information from cache. This cached information is stored in the users SIP Profile in a folder named sip_(SipURI of the user) located on a Windows computer in the following folder: Lync 2010: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\ Lync 2013: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync…
Category: Office365 | M365
Office 365
Cannot migrate user from Exchange 2010 to Exchange Online
So I came across this error while migrating some accounts from On-Premise Exchange 2010 Server to Exchange Online. Error: The subscription for the migration user [email protected] couldn’t be loaded. The following error was encountered: A subscription wasn’t found for this user. In short, there is an address conflict between the user properties of the exchange…
Outlook: Removing Copy from all the Calendar entries after importing from PST
This article applies to Outlook 2007 and 2010. If you are experiencing this issue with other mail clients, please contact Support. The “Copy” prefix is usually added to calendar items when items are imported from a PST file or copied from another calendar. To avoid this happening move items to the calendar instead of importing:…
Enabling ActiveSync for a Security Group using Powershell
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$users = Get-ADGroupMember "AD Group with Users to be Enabled for ActiveSync" foreach ($line in $users) { $user = $line.samaccountname Set-CASMailbox $user -ActiveSyncEnabled:$true Get-CASMailbox $user | Select-Object Name, ActiveSyncEnabled } |
Disabling ActiveSync for a Group of Users using Powershell
I have tested this only in a Hybrid environment. Create a Universal AD Security Group called O365_Disabled_ActiveSync_Users. Add all the members to it. Make sure it has an email address that registers in Office365. Connect to Office365 via Powershell ISE:
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Import-Module MSOnline $O365Cred = Get-Credential $O365Session = New-PSSession –ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell -Credential $O365Cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $O365Session Connect-MsolService –Credential $O365Cred |
Copy the following code in a file called DisableActiveSync.ps1 and run in powershell. Add…
Exchange 2007: Give a user full access to all mailboxes
The following command will give full access to the Mailbox database including future mailboxes when they are created. Just change the name of the Mailbox Database to yours and the name to the one you wish to use
1 |
Get-MailboxDatabase -identity “Mailbox Database†| Add-ADPermission -User "Trusted User"-AccessRights GenericAll |
Now access to all mailboxes:
1 |
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited -Database "Mailbox Database" | Add-MailboxPermission -User "Trusted User" -AccessRights FullAccess |
For Send As:
1 |
Add-ADPermission -Identity "Mailbox Database" -User "Trusted User" -ExtendedRights Send-As |
For Recieve As:
1 |
Add-ADPermission -Identity "Mailbox Database" -User "Trusted User" -ExtendedRights Receive-As |
In exchange…
Send Email from an Alias
A user who has two or three (or a dozen) SMTP aliases associated with his name wants to actually send an email and have it appear to be from one of those aliases! I bet you tested and confirmed that he could receive email to those aliases, but now you are stuck trying to figure out why he cannot send as…
Assign a Room Mailbox Permissions
If we want to check the detail information of the room mailbox schedule or change the permission level of the Calendar permission.  We should do the following steps:  Add a user as a full permission to the room mailbox via PowerShell: Assign Permission Add-MailboxPermission -Identity “[email protected]†-User “[email protected]†-AccessRights Fullaccess -InheritanceType All Open room mailbox…
Close Powershell Sessions!
If you have ever received the error message below or a similar one then you are not closing your PowerShell sessions properly (or at all!). [serverName] Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : The WS-Management service cannot process the request. This user is allowed a maximum number of 3 concurrent shells,…